Do you hear that?
It’s the sound of children all at school.
First Day Eve didn’t disappoint. I had my moments of nostalgia while I moped and reflected on the days when they’d dance in their cribs when they’d catch sight of me and we were reunited after naps, when we spent mornings at the playground across the street, and sing along at storytimes at the library. And, I made my children’s summer dreams come true when I emptied a half gallon of vanilla ice cream and a 2-liter of root beer into my dining room table centerpiece. Root beer floats always make a mama’s heart a little less mopey.
Mark and I woke before the sun came up and managed to get all these kids almost fully in-tact and outside by 7:05 for a picture before I dropped Evan and Ashlyn off for their first days of 9th and 7th grade and got the other two ready for their drop off. Three different schools = morning chaos.
I am sure that all of them were nervous today (not counting Mark and me). But, the only one willing and able to tell me so was the littlest one of them all.
She didn’t show it as she led her 2nd grade class line though. She owned that leader spot.
Here’s to Second Day Eve which I’m hoping includes less moping on my part and fewer calories.