Philly Area mom, Life forever changed by adoption
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Check out what I wrote and published here (just click on that highlighted word for those of you who don’t quite get it…like my mother-in-law…Hi, Mom.)
For a very long time, when I would complain about some popular adoption websites being a bit liberal or antagonistic to Christians, Mark would suggest to me to just start a new one, a suggestion that usually ended the conversation since I lacked all confidence in taking anything like that on. But, for the past 4 months, since we’ve been home with Lydia, I’ve felt an increased need for such a site and forum–as have a handful of other families we’ve connected with. So, Mark and I started talking it through and getting more excited about it. For the last couple weeks, we’ve spent most nights working on it and connecting with other adoptive families to gather some things to post there. Never thought I’d be up until 2am sitting with Mark while he tried to customize a forum and I created “buttons.” (Big shout out of thanks to Colleen over at Weaksauce blogs for being my wordpress guru as well.)
So, this week, we officially launched We Are Grafted In, a website for adoptive families, families considering adoption, families interested in supporting adoption or orphan care ministries–all from a Christian worldview. Please check it out. Email me your suggestions. Email me suggested resources–books, websites, etc. Email me links to any good articles or blog posts that you think would be good there. And, join the forum. The forum won’t work unless people join it and go there. :) And, if you want to be more involved, let me know. I could use some kindred spirits to help out.
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