When you have a child who was not with you from before he or she was born, when you don’t share memories of those first movements in the womb, when you don’t have pictures of your belly growing or video of their first coos, you cling to what you do have.
One of the ways I do that is by remembering significant dates. These dates don’t call for a party with balloons and streamers. But, they are significant nonetheless. Perhaps they are even more significant than the balloons-and-streamers dates. They make me take pause. Just stop and remember with the One who remembers all of those dates and then some. And, smile.
Some of these dates will be on our calendar every year–the day we got the call about Chen Mei Yue and saw her sweet face for the first time, the day we met her for the first time and received her into our arms, the day we arrived home and she met her brothers and sister and we were completed.
Today is not one of those days. Today is different. We won’t recognize it again. It’s just today.
383. Lydia lived 383 days without us. And, now, today, she has lived 383 with us. Starting tomorrow, she will have lived with us longer than she lived without us.
I’ve heard that real attachment takes about as long as your child lived without you. I always thought that was sort of arbitrary. For a 2 year old, does it take 2 years to attach? A 3 year old, 3 years? But, here we are, 383 days after we received her when she was 383 days old. And, maybe there is something to that “rule.”
Our attachment is still growing, maturing with new experiences, made clear through times like my weekend away when I really missed my baby and realized that she missed me too. But, I know it’s real. And, there’s something that just increases its clarity even more knowing that we are now on the plus side, the “more” side of the calendar.
She’s ours. And, she’s not going anywhere….in a matter of speaking.