A happy 4th of July indeed. Doesn’t get much better celebrating Independence Day at the beach with…
Dependent #1 – Evan, who is slowly becoming more independent and even lost a tooth today just to prove it to us. I was able to convince him to take off a skull t-shirt and put on a blue one for the occasion though.
Dependent #2 – Ashlyn, who is the most independent 6 year old I know. What a beauty, huh?
and Dependent #3 – Drew, our 4 year old who talked our ear off during the fireworks. This boy doesn’t really stop talking really and though he looks super sweet in this picture…
he more often looks like this–some funny face or pirate face or something or other.
eating caramel popcorn from Fisher’s with Nanma and Grandaddy and marveling
Dependent #4 – our newest American citizen who thoroughly enjoyed the fireworks.