I never thought seating 6 people for an evening meal would be such a challenge. But, it is. And, it’s not something I can check off my to-do list and let out a sigh of relief that it’s done. Perhaps the most challenging part of sitting down together as a family for dinner is that it happens everyday.
Helen and Caleb are not nearly as challenging to corral as my clan. But, their presence at our table everyday has presented a new challenge—who is going to pray?
Before even all our seated, Caleb starts…
I’m going to pray!
I’ve learned the response I need to give immediately.
Wait. Wait. Not everyone is ready. Ashlyn’s getting her drink, and Drew’s still washing his hands. Hold on, please. You can’t pray until everyone’s here.
Then, Lydia starts.
No! I’m going to pray!
How about you both pray?
I’m first!
No, I’m first!
I’m certain this is not what Jesus meant when He told His disciples to be persistent in prayer.
Two mothers start dishing out words instead of noodles—one in English, one in Mandarin. Caleb starts crying. Lydia bangs her fist on the table with her face all scrunched up. And, I start wondering if we aren’t fit to pray at all or if we should spend the rest of the night in prayer!
That’s it. Caleb goes first and then Lydia. Tears supernaturally stop, and Lydia crosses her arms in protest.
Lord Jesus, thank you for our food. Thank you for our friends. Thank you for our house. Thank you for Mom and Dad. Thank you for your love. Thank you for Jesus. Amen.
Okay, no one move. Lydia’s turn. Lydia?
wait for it…wait for it…slowly…
Dear God, thank you for our day. I hope everyone enjoys their dinner. Amen.
Phew. There’s the sigh of relief I was looking for. Done.
Sort of…
No fair! My prayer was like 1 minute, and Caleb’s prayer was like 1 hour!
Oh, Lord, teach us to pray…and teach me to accept the increasing number of gray hairs that prayer-givers under 3 feet tall are giving me.
(This couple who adamantly offers that they are going to marry needs to learn some better conflict resolution before tying the knot. #workcutoutforus)