When she begged to go with us to China again this May, we reminded her that she would need to do some work to get there. She wasn’t phased at all by that. She just trusted. He provided once; He’ll do it again. Of course He will.
She wrote a letter; the words her own right down to asking for donators. She’s sent about 20 out. And, she feels good about the one response she’s gotten so far.
This morning, as I made my coffee and was thinking how proud I am of her for having a heart of service, I thought how cool it would be if she had a team of kid donators. Rather than having a group of adults supporting her, wouldn’t it be great if she had a team of kids who were willing to give allowance money or babysitting money or money from cutting someone’s grass to support her? Wouldn’t it be great if she was charged with not only serving in China on this trip but casting a vision to her team of senders {these sacrificing kids} of what serving looks and feels like?
That’s the kind of thing that gets this mama excited.
We aren’t desperate to get her funded. I’ve learned what she’s learned: He provided once; He’ll do it again. Of course He will. But, if you’d like your child to have the opportunity to consider being a part of this, email me with your child’s name and mailing address and I’ll have Ashlyn send a personalized ask letter out pronto. No gift is too small.