When I was little, I distinctly remember digging through the trash cans at Roy Rogers (and even the dumpster!) to get little peel off things from the bottom of the cups that had free food on it. I remember jumping up and down yelling, “Ohh! I got a free fries!” and “A free soda!” My older sister and I actually gathered enough of those free food peel off thingies to have our family of 5 have a whole meal–without us having to share an order of fries! We tease my mom about it now.
Cow Appreciation Day 2009
Well, today was a bit different but it did make me remember Roy Rogers trash picking. Today was Cow Appreciation Day at all Chick Fil As. If you dress like a cow, you get a free combo meal! So, we spent most of the morning coming up with our costumes including tails and floppy black ears and then headed out as a herd. We had to stop at the post office which was comical. Evan told me to just speak to them with “moo”s. As we arrived at Chick Fil A, they rang a cowbell as we came in. And, sure enough, a completely free lunch for all of us–and we didn’t even have to share an order of fries. Sweet.
p.s. yes, Ashlyn’s ears are zebra ears. At least they are black and white.
p.s.s. entered Drew’s picture in Chick Fil A’s photo contest online which is judged solely by how many votes a picture gets. SO, go HERE and vote for silly faced Drewsy so we can get some more chick fil a food!