Recovering today after 3 days of hard labor and some fun as I helped my parents do a huge (massive) yard sale as they prepare to put their house on the market and “downsize” to a luxury townhouse. Today, I feel a bit emotional as I think about all the things that were sold, old things that none of us wanted but still were part of our lives in one way or another. I wish my parents could have just kept it all forever–well, maybe not all. Don’t know why really. Just hate to see it go. I find myself thinking of specific things today wondering if we should have kept them. Hate that.
Update: Apparently, I’m not the only one thinking of things that are gone. My mom got upset last night when she realized that she put out there all her curtain sewing patterns which she will need for her new house. They didn’t sell and were among the donations to Christian Services at the end. She and Dad actually went over there this morning and retrieved it from the pile of stuff not yet sorted! And, she grabbed two other things for me….