While Mark’s in China, I send him pictures of the children and videos of Lydia doing the monkey bars. You know, to let him know he’s missed and all.
And, he sends me this.
No words.
Philly Area mom, Life forever changed by adoption
While Mark’s in China, I send him pictures of the children and videos of Lydia doing the monkey bars. You know, to let him know he’s missed and all.
And, he sends me this.
No words.
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No homework over the four-day weekend for my four kids after four days of school.
However, I was served this Thursday afternoon.
Mark’s in China. I’m managing the home front with our four kids back in three different schools including our first experience with high school. And, I’ve got an essay to write.
So, while the kids watched an episode from Season 2 of Amazing Race on Hulu tonight, I did my homework.
A million words aren’t enough to say all I could say about the girl we get to call our daughter. It would take a whole lot of words to tell you how she is faithful and committed to truth even when those around her are not. It would take more words to explain how big her heart is and to testify to how nurturing she is and how she cares for those who are vulnerable. I’d likely need a lot of words to explain how she’s proven to be a gifted leader who is learning to not simply take charge but to be wise as she leads. I’d use at least a few thousand words to explain how she is good at weighing the cost of her choices and is willing to do hard things. It would take more yet to tell you that she has shown us that she knows that most shortcuts are not worth taking. I’d probably use too many words to tell you how she likes to be right (like her mother) and is learning how to handle when she’s not (like her mother). I’d use words upon words to tell you that her smile and laugh light up a room and how we’re glad she’s generous with both. I can’t imagine how many words I’d use to tell you that we’re very proud that we get to be her mom and dad and that we are very serious about doing those jobs as well as we possibly can. Some of those words would explain how we know she’s not perfect, but we will defend her to the end. It’s what we do.
But, since you’ve asked for a million words or less, these four words will do.
Ashlyn is pretty great.
That is all. I wonder what grade I’ll get.
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