The boy likes his crackers, and he’s not afraid to make sure you know that by stomping his feet with utter joy at the sight of the package.

He can be a bit of a schmoozer too. Check out that look. Yeah, he knows he’s a bit of a rockstar.

He may or may not be a ladies’ man and can pull off that puffy coat like nobody else.

Though he doesn’t always show it….especially when he can see crackers in another kid’s hands.
He’s pretty darn amazing.
He has a birthmark on his face. That’s really not a special need though.
His special need is that he doesn’t have a family. And, he’s been waiting…
because he’s a boy…and he’s not a teeny baby anymore…
and because his family just hasn’t met him yet.
So, allow me to introduce you to this guy. Maybe today’s the day.