Apparently, it takes 4 people (one with camera) to give a new baby a bath.
Every baby should get this much attention.
Philly Area mom, Life forever changed by adoption
Apparently, it takes 4 people (one with camera) to give a new baby a bath.
Every baby should get this much attention.
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Ashlyn led the family through the Gospel story last night after we dyed eggs with Caleb for his first time. She read from Scripture and explained the significance of nails, thorns, a big rock, and an empty tomb. Mark and I answered their questions about heaven and new life and how all we have devoted our family and entire lives around means nothing without Easter. It would have been a sweet time as a family all on its own. But, it was made all the more sweet by the tiny pink bundle being cradled by her mother at the end of our table.
A little less than 2 weeks ago, nearly a week past her due date, our brother and sister, coworkers, and roommates for the last 5 months became parents once again. Our whole family joyfully welcomed this beautiful little baby girl into the world who her parents named Linxi, meaning by streams of water, named after Psalm 1:3. Her English name is Grace…grace…a name that I offered up as a suggestion and a word that defines her whole life really.
From the day they arrived on November 4th to the day she was born, we were anticipating her arrival and preparing for it. After all, it’s why they came here in the first place, to safeguard her life and live without fear until she could be cradled in their arms. March 23rd, the day she was born, marked an abrupt change as we went from preparing for her arrival to feverishly preparing for her departure, running around like crazy over the last 12 days (with a little break for Together Called) to ensure that all the paperwork and documents are in order for her to return to China with her family only 17 days from now.
It’s strange really. I can remember rubbing Helen’s belly and trying to talk Gracie girl out of there. But, the memory is distant already, as if the race for passport pictures, copies of a birth certificate with names no one can pronounce, and certifications are simply louder in my head and subsequently have drowned out the memories of waiting unable to do much of anything.
And, that’s where we are–Celebrating Easter Eve here tonight, looking forward to another kind of race in the morning as 5 children scramble to find the basket with their name on it. Considering the Cross and all that it means, the grace that came with it that I cannot even wrap my head around. Trying to savor the sweet Grace right here in between all the running and even in the midst of it while this home is still her home.
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