There’s a countdown paper chain in the corner of our kitchen. It started out as 20 links. Right now, it’s at 15 and getting one link shorter everyday until December 5th arrives. We’re not counting down to a big trip this time or the day we cut down our tree. This time, we’re counting down to the arrival of this little guy.
When our adoption agency sent out a big email blast about their new hosting program months ago, we talked about being a part of it. But, we had lots of reasons not to.
– This is our first year with all the kids in school which means my first year to be doing more outside the home and actually get some things done.
– We travel a lot, like a lot a lot. In fact, Mark has a China trip for 10 days over the hosting time.
– We had just finished a labor intensive hosting (…pun intended).
– It cost a good bit of money.
We didn’t think about it again until the day I got back from China. The agency had hoped to bring over 20 kids but since it was the first time they were doing this, they were only at 11. Emails went back and forth. Entire fees were waived. Lots of jet-lagged conversations happened. Four Raudenbush children joined those conversations. We asked the question, “Why would we not do it?” and all of the answers that seemed to roll off our tongues months before could be summed up with one answer, “It would be really hard.” And, we just decided that that answer wasn’t enough.
– Our kids were excited about making our Christmas traditions be about joy for someone other than ourselves. (They literally said that which is kinda a cool thing, right?)
– The decision became less about if we were able to do this and more about if we were willing to do this. (Thanks to two friends who kinda pointed this out to me.)
– I had just shared how we were learning that we can only be filled up again and again when we are poured out. (He always seems to ask us to put the lessons we’re learning into practice, right? Yeah, that happens.)
– The cost had been provided, nearly completely provided, down to our social worker even offering a few hand-me-downs the little pumpkin can use here when he arrives with only the clothes on his back. (Yup, couldn’t use finances as any excuse.)
So, yes, it’s costly in a lot of ways and perhaps a little crazy to some. But, we’re counting down with great anticipation because in 15 days, there will be another little set of feet in our humble home for Christmas. We can’t wait to get to know him and celebrate Christmas with him and introduce him to all of you because this little guy is looking for more than a family to host him for Christmas. And, all 6 of us are committed to helping him find that family.