18 hours ago, we were joking about the little leprechaun who’d be born today. The joking stopped when Jess the nurse sent us home at 3:am. Contractions were there but they just weren’t doing enough. At only 2 cm. dilated from 10:30-3:am with no change at all, the nurse smiled nicely and handed her clothes back to her, officially deflating all three of us thoroughly when she said, “I bet I’ll see you back in about 2 days.” 2 days? Really?
patience. timing. trusting. waiting.
Here we are.
Yesterday was hard.
Today is harder.
Helen’s discouraged. Frank’s unsure of himself. Mark’s anxious about the rush that will need to happen after this little person arrives to get them home safely. All 5 kids are playing as if it’s just any other day.
I’m writing again because it’s sort of what I do. And, praying. Castor oil hasn’t worked to bring this baby out to meet us. But, prayer can. We gotta pray this baby out.