It’s a different year at the beach this summer. With Lydia wearing big girl pants now and the others getting older, vacations can start to feel like vacations and not simply a change of scenery.
As I sit on the beach, watching my family as I read my book under an umbrella, it struck me.
I feel complete.
I cherish each of my children with each of their unique needs as little people with sensitive hearts being shaped everyday.
I look at the 4 of them jumping in the surf with the man I vowed to love for the rest of my days, and I feel complete.
Things are good. My plate is full. I am content with where He has me, what He has put before me, how He is using me to do good works He has already planned in advance for me to do.
But, even within that fullness, there are images that aren’t far from consciousness that I can quickly conjure up.
Last night, using the marvel of modern technology, we “met” a class of 20 school aged children in China. They pushed and shoved to see us on their small screen, each battling to say the same thing, “hello. How are you? Nice to meet you.” Some covered their mouths and giggled with shyness as their teacher, a friend of my parents, explained that they had never “seen a foreigner.” We asked them a few light questions, even named a few of the students who wanted English names, trying to match American names to the sound of their beautiful Chinese names.
As I went to the bed, the images lingered in my mind of children, not these children whose parents were making sacrifices to have them learn English and have more opportunities. I thought of the children whose faces I see online who have no parents and no opportunities who long for a family, who only know the same routine day in and day out, maybe never even leave the walls of the building where they live.
Yet, I feel complete. At least for this season I do.
For now, I will do what I’m called to do.
Be a wife to my husband. A mother to four treasures. And an advocate as I’m able for the children who wait and for the families who bring them home.
For now.

Beautiful post!! Can’t wait to join you tomorrow!!!
So beautiful, Kelly!
I love how you described your vacations now as feeling like vacations instead of a change of scenery. that’s a great way to phrase it…we are starting to get to that point so I completely get it!
And, I understand your heart on this. You are broken for what breaks God’s heart and that is so beautiful and good. I know that God will continue to use your life for good works and advocating for the “least of these!”
I love your photos and your words Kelly. :-)
And ‘complete’ is a wonderful way to feel :)
Beautiful pictures…beautiful HEART! Thank you for advocating for these precious blessings!
Well put. We are in the vacation = change of scenery phase, but I’m working to enjoy that as well as I know it will be over in the blink of an eye.
Rejoicing with you that you feel peace and contentment with where God has you and how He is using you.
I just found your blog! I love reading it. Thanks for sharing and advocating for the least of these.
Not even sure how I ended up here! But I’m glad… I saw your family and thought, wow it is exactly like mine, except in a different order! I saw this post and was excited to read your thoughts on being complete! We vacationed this summer and it felt good, but there is still a longing in me! I am prayerful that God would reveal to me his will for our lives, if we’re meant to return to china! So thanks for helping me realize there is a feeling of contentment, when it is ready to be had!!!