I discovered them at our local Goodwill in a ziploc bag on a shelf buried under wallpaper border and puzzle boxes. They looked like fun for Lydia well worth the Goodwill price tag. A few days later, and many dragons, new Monsters Inc. characters, and potato heads later, I decided they were a lot of fun for all of us. And, when I find something that is fun for all of us that doesn’t weigh much and squishes into a much smaller package, you know what I think about next.
Hundreds of colorful little velcro-like balls went with me to China this time, squished into zippered pockets and stuffed into shoes. And, they proved their worth. Eyes were wide when I poured them out onto their table.
Little fingers started touching them, giggling at how they prickly little loops tickled them.
Kingly creatures were created. Many bracelets adorned tiny wrists and larger wrists as kiddos decorated the wrists of their nannies.
And, little ones sat and focused like I hadn’t seen them do before.
Complete with a teeny tongue sticking out when she was working the hardest to make whatever it was she needed every single color to create.
Oh how it makes my heart happy to bring simple things that produce so many sweet moments.
{click HERE to check out the Bunchems that filled our bags. They’d be so great to take on an adoption trip to pass the time and build connection during down times in a hotel room.}
The little lady creator is currently available for adoption, and Madison Adoption Associates is offering a grant to families who want to bring her home for lots more creating. Email Sarah@madisonadoption.org for more information.