I told her it was probably just routine. Her pediatrician just thought we should have it checked out. I was sure we were just ticking a box and would leave the orthopedist’s office with a follow-up appointment next year sometime.
But, we didn’t.
Instead, we left with an X-ray picture of a spine that looked like an S and a business card for someone who specializes in back braces.
My little girl needs a back brace. With maybe 2 more years of growth, her moderate case of scoliosis could become a more serious case of scoliosis. Wearing a brace at least 20 hours a day, putting pressure on the specific places that are curved should keep that from happening.
Today, about two weeks after an orthopedist gently told her life was going to be a little different for a while, she got it. Custom made and even more custom fit to be exactly what she needs…it’s hers. And, it’s hers for a while.
I’ve shown her compassion for how hard this will be–having to change what she wears everyday, not being able to bend at the waist, the pain of the pressure pushing on her curves, not being able to curl up at night to sleep. And, I’ve told her that of every kid I’ve ever known my whole entire life, she’s the one I know without a doubt can do this. She’s strong. She perseveres. She focuses on the end goal and hopes in the One can make it happen. But, I’ve also told her that I am falling on both sides, that I want to sympathize but also cheer her own, that I want to cry with her but also tell her there are great things in store for her even still and that I can’t wait to see how God redeems and shapes her body as well as her heart.
I think she gets where I am. I’m kind of all over the place. But, no matter where I am at any particular moment, I’m right beside her, wanting to be the mom she needs me to be and reminding her of the One who made her perfectly.
Praying for your sweet girl.
Hugs and healing and God’s almighty comfort to your dear one.