I’m thankful to have a day that makes me sit down in our bedroom with the door closed to write down these words for you–though I hope to love you so well that you start hearing this message every day.
You have the hardest job in the world. The task of being a good husband and father is by far the biggest, most significant, and most difficult ask of you. I recognize that. Do not let the fact that many men are called to the tasks negate the enormity of your individual calling to them. I know I don’t need to say that to you though; the weight of the position you hold as our leader is not lost on you.
While it may seem overwhelming to you at times, know that I think you are the perfect leader for us. You may not always be a “fearless leader,” as the saying goes, but you are a strong. intentional, faithful, generous, wise leader who leads this family with more and more grace and skill with every passing year.
Know that we love you and that I will do everything in my power to continue to teach our children to follow you because as they do, they are not only respecting their good father but they are learning how to follow their Heavenly Father.
I am proud to be stand with you, follow you, be protected by you, no matter where you go and what you do.
Happy 13th Father’s Day.