Are you ready for this trip to China, dear one?
While your sister has been making packing lists and shopping lists and preparing for her first trip to China, you’ve kinda been preparing too. You aren’t going to China like Ashlyn is and Mommy and Daddy are, at least not right now. But, I kinda think you’ve been working on getting ready in your heart for what is happening. While we’ve been preparing to go, you’ve been preparing to stay home without us. You’ve been asking me what day it is and how many more days until there are until we leave. You’ve been telling me how you feel and that you’ll miss me—you are so good with using your words now. And, you’ve been writing me a lot of notes. This one is probably my favorite.

I will miss you so much all the way to Pluto. That’s right.
For Mommy.
I know this isn’t easy for you. I know it’s hard to have Mommy and Daddy and now Ashlyn too leave for such a long time. I know that 15 days can feel so long. I want you to know that we aren’t leaving because it’s boring here, and we want to have fun without you. We aren’t leaving just because we like to travel the world and take long plane rides. We are going because God wants us to go, and we are a family who is committed to doing what God wants us to do above all else. We can’t just do what we want to do do; we have to do what He wants us to do. And, right now, that means that we’re going to China to love others and serve others and work hard even when we’re so so tired and even when we miss you and just want to be home snuggling with you, tickling you, and reading you books.
I love you all the way to Pluto…that’s right…and Pluto is a whole lot further away than China (it’s more than 500 million times further away…I actually checked). So, you better remember that I really really really love you all the way to China…and back again.