All my life, I’ve envied people who are hospitable. I have watched my mom host big family meals and thought, “I wish I could do that, but I’m not good at it.” I saw my sister’s perfectly decorated house and thought, “She’s so good at welcoming people in her home, but I’m not good at that.”
When we first talked to Frank about having you come stay in America so that you and your new baby would be safe, I remember suggesting that you go between our house, my parents’ house, and the Cunninghams’ house. That made sense at the time. You would get to spend time with everyone involved in the work. I would get to know you and Caleb better—but for a limited time, because afterall, my home was not that big or that nice and I wasn’t really good at hosting and making meals and sharing my home.
Then, you and Caleb came. And, our home became your home, and the decision was made for you to stay here for the entire duration of your time in America. I wasn’t sure I could do it, not because of anything about you but because of my own weaknesses. I was afraid I wasn’t good enough, wasn’t generous enough, wasn’t kind enough. But, as time passed and as we pressed on, living life side by side, I discovered that I wasn’t worrying about things I had always worried about before. I found that giving time and energy and money for your benefit wasn’t so hard after all. In fact, I wanted to do it; I enjoyed doing it. And, those things that I thought disqualified me from serving you became what made me the most qualified to serve you. I didn’t have to be the best hostess with the nicest house; you were comfortable here. I didn’t have to be the best cook; you cooked beside me and our dinners for 9 were always just right. I may not have been good at sharing before, but God softened my heart to show me that nothing really belonged to me in the first place.
I still don’t have the gift of hospitality according to the way I used to define it and how most people do. But, over the last 6 months as you have lived with us, God grew in me a new gift of community and giving that I did not have before. While He grew your womb, He grew my heart. While He built the life inside you, He built new life inside of me too.
You are a woman after God’s own heart, a woman willing to endure big things and great cost in order to do what God has called her to do, all in order to live a cross-shaped life. I admire you, dear sister. I will always remember our time together as one family under one roof, struggling to serve Him and each other well. It wasn’t always easy, I know. But, I believe that God was glorified here, and I am forever grateful for everyday of it.
Be blessed as you go forward with the courage you have shown here, standing firm in the calling you have committed your life to. Continue to wear strength and dignity and may those be what makes you beautiful all your days.
You will always have a home here.