My alarm woke me at 12:50am, not a time one would typically want to be awake. But, today was different.
There were families being made today.
I prayed. I thought. I wondered how he was doing as a new son. I wondered how she was doing as a new daughter. I thought about that moment for these mamas as they saw their babies for the first time and introduced themselves to their children. Then, I went back to sleep, content that I was somehow consciously present at the exact moment supernatural work was being done.
When I woke again, there in my bed before my children awoke in my pjs with my hair all messy I met my dear friend‘s new son and watched as he played with his new brother and sisters and saw that smile we weren’t sure he had.
Joy overwhelming.
And, then I went here and saw my dear friend in her father’s arms finally and saw that smile we had seen and knew we’d see a lot more of when that family of hers came for her.
Joy overwhelming.
And, then I got in a car and drove my dear friend to her first obstetric visit where we heard her baby’s heartbeat racing inside her, announcing the presence of life loud and clear, a life that is safe and fully loved before he or she even takes a breath of air.
Joy overwhelming.
If the world were not broken, they all would be safely cared for like the little one growing in my dear friend’s womb who knows nothing but comfort. But, the world is broken and life is hard and people have to make very hard choices that break hearts, and children are not always safely cared for by the ones who God miraculously used to create their lives. But, God redeems all brokenness and makes beauty out of dust.
Today, an orphan becomes a son to my friend. Today, an orphan friend becomes a daughter.
Joy overwhelming.
The name she knew already. Now it’s in red ink. Official.
Joy overwhelming.