I shared glimpses of him already. And, a whole lot of folks saw his sweet face.
Of the thousands of people who saw this little smirk in his big puffy coat, the family—his family—hasn’t met him just yet.
So, I’m bringing out the big guns—videos. And, I’m asking you all to share again. Because if I need to bring out the bigger guns, I may have to figure out how to make him come through your computer screen and sit on your lap.
Yeah, that cackling laugh at the end of that dancing video is mine. I clipped the video to spare you having to listen to the whole laugh. Feel free to thank me for that.
America World only has his file for a couple more weeks at which time they have to return it to the office in China that manages adoptions and say they were unable to find a family for him. A family does not need to be paper ready for an adoption to say yes to him. If you wanna know more or want me to connect you to the social worker committed to my little buddy, shoot me an email at kraudenbush@sparrow-fund.org.
Hi! I am from Manitoba, Canada. My cousin, Linda Vaden is adopting through your agency. Would it be a possibility for you to work with our agency (Adoption options)? Our homestudy starts on Oct 27th. Thanks!