I know it’s cliche. I appreciate you. But, I want you to know that I really do. All the little and not-so-little things you do, how you made time to mulch when I obnoxiously mouthed off about how embarrassed I was by the mess in our front yard, how emptying the dishwasher has become part of your morning routine, how you started making kids’ lunches when I complained about it being my least favoriting task of parenthood, how you put together play lists of the kids’ favorite songs, how you get up first to get a child a drink…there’s so much you do that you never get thanked for. Know that I appreciate you for doing those things even when there are no thanks.
2. I’m glad you aren’t good at multitasking.
You seem to think it’s a good thing that I’m a master at multitasking. But, truth is, I love that you aren’t because when you’re with the kids, you’re with the kids. You aren’t thinking about 10 other things, replying to an email, taking a picture that will soon show up on Instagram, cleaning the room you’re in, texting your BFF, checking off to-do list items and adding to the list, and making dinner. You’re simply with the children, wherever they are. I know I’ve complained more than once at your response to the question: “What did you do while I was gone?” But, please know that I really do admire your ability to let all else become simply background noise that disappears when you’re with our children.
3. You are the best at what you do.
There is no one else who can do what you do the way you do it. You are courageous, driven, and committed. You listen well. You study well. You teach well. You encourage well. You are just the man to do the job before you professionally and in leading our family. And, I will tell you that over and over and over again privately and publicly until you are red with embarrassment.
4. You make me want to be the best at what I do.
All of what I have seen in you makes me want to be more. You make me want to stretch myself, take more risks, study more, give more. Your passion begets my passion. Your steps forward urge me forward. Your confidence helps me put aside my fear. Whatever God has for me, I want to do it all as well as you have done what God has called you to this year.
5. Our children are blessed to have you.
I know you are not the perfect parent; there is no such thing. You and I are learning as we go, making mistakes together. Some days, I know it seems like we’re making more mistakes than earning jewels in our parenting crowns. But, these four children who live under our roof for a season would not be the children they are today or the adults they will become without you. They are blessed to have you as their father, a father who loves the God who gave them to him and would go whatever distance is required to make sure they have what they need and sometimes simply to give them something that will make them smile.
Happy Father’s Day.