I wasn’t expecting a very good day.
When he told me the dates for his May trip, I wasn’t happy. You’re leaving me to parent alone on Mother’s Day? Really?
How easy it is for me to get stuck on thoughts that are all about me. I was anticipating an emotional rain cloud much like the one Eeyore brings with him. All my friends are getting special treatment and a day off today. Everyone else is receiving flowers and not doing dishes and packing lunches like I will be doing.
But, I woke up to a room flooded with sunshine and children bouncing around the house as they looked outside to see real life truck transformers that will become ferris wheels and carousels before our very eyes over the next 12 hours. I was sequestered to my bedroom while a 10 year old worked some magic in the kitchen and I was summoned to this.
More sunshine poured into our home through emails in my inbox as I got my first glimpses of the reason why Mark is not home today.
And, my heart swelled with pride for this man I get to stand beside and for the children who made this often self-centered woman into a mother.
It’s no day off for me today. I’m spending the afternoon taking the girls to Chinese school. The sink will still be full with dishes with I get home, tangible reminders of the happy feast little hands prepared for me. I’ll scrub them with thanks as the children gather at our front windows marveling at the sights and sounds of a carnival-to-be. Then, we’ll head out for dinner and maybe have some ice cream afterwards because that’s what we do.
Today is a good day, a very good day.
I also had a very untypical Mother’s Day but it was quite nice. I shared those thoughts on mu personal blog though. I am still trying to figure out if I need to merge more of my personal into my adoption/faith based blog. Or just keep the two?
I am glad you had a good day despite the husband being away.