This was the face that went with these words:
I put all my laundry away! Aren’t you happy?
It took him 10 years to even realize I did laundry. I think he thought it magically got clean and placed back where it belonged by some sort of clothing fairy. Two years after that, days after his 12th birthday, and he put his first pile of clean laundry away.
I’m a mothering success apparently.
Meanwhile, Ashlyn has been putting away her own laundry since she was maybe 2. Drew, days away from turning 8, is quite good at taking clean laundry from his dresser and closet and making it appear like all he has is dirty laundry. And, Lydia, now 5, doesn’t really create much laundry since she prefers either staying in her pajamas all day or bypassing clothes altogether.
And, that’s my family, people.
Gotta run. My dryer’s buzzing again.