Hello. How was your day?
And…there is my adult conversation for the evening. In a blog post. Not all that conversational as I click away in a quiet house while a cat purrs beside me. This is what happens when my husband is on the other side of the world and I’ve parented alone four children including one four year old who seems to enjoy screaming more than speaking lately since he left last week. Yeah, I know, it’s only been a week…Has it really only been a week? I think the high-pitched screaming had affected my sense of time.
I have learned this past week, however, that taking three 6th grade boys to school every morning at 7:15 (fine, 7:20, I have been late every single morning…) is better than a cup of coffee—they are ridiculously funny when they mean to be and when they don’t mean to be. I’ve also learned that I still need my coffee regardless…and my really good concealer.
Snow? Really pretty. Shoveling it? Not so pretty or even remotely fun, especially when I’m inside still trying to recover and realize that it’s getting warmer out and if I had just waited a few hours I probably could have gotten away with my preferred method of snow removal after all (i.e., drive over it a few times and call it a day).
I’m really hoping that this cat leaves my side and magically learns how to wrap gifts over night. Maybe he could go track down the gifts I ordered that haven’t arrived yet. Maybe that’s asking too much. I’ll settle for him finding the gifts I bought a while ago and put away in our storage room and either can’t find now or have forgotten they even exist.
Come Sunday night, I will be singing Come Thou Long Expected Husband robustly. Mark better be singing I’ll Be Home for Christmas.
So good talking to you.
Oh, my head. you made me laugh and feel badly for you all in one post. Would love to drop by to help you wrap gifts and enjoy a bit of adult conversation. If I leave now…well, it’s probably easier to just encourage you as you wait for Mark to come home. Hang in there, friend!