I’m Kelly. Good, I can recount my name. That’s good.
Let me just say it’s been a challenging summer.
That’s really a politically correct word. That teacher who talked to you (and by you I really mean me) about your (my) monkey daughter, she used the word challenging. What she really meant was she’s so-dang-hard-I-sometimes-find-myself-grinding-my-teeth-and-sweating-profusely-in-a-74-degree-room. Yeah, that’s been my summer (sans the sweating profusely in a 74-degree room since I dream of a room that temperature in our unair-conditioned home).
The kids. I knew I was in trouble when my summer-secret-weapon of gift cards to Five Below that were birthday gifts from my sister got used on Day 3 of summer. Granted, there’s a painted bead factory permanently rooted in my kitchen. But, that’s only really consuming the easiest of my crew. With regards to the other three, the word bored should be considered right up there with the 4-letter variety. My teeth are clenched just keying in the word now. From now on, it will be b–ed so I don’t even have to key it and see it on the screen in front of me.
Everything else. There’s been a lot of meetings—appointments, get togethers, calls, coordinated activities of some kind. And, as much as I know that my husband’s early mornings out and our too-late evenings are serving a real purpose, it’s so-dang-hard-I-sometimes-find-myself-grinding-my-teeth. It’s a lot right now on top of the fact that we’re facing significant changes—awesome, wonderful changes that we’re pretty excited about but changes nonetheless. And, change is just pretty all around uncomfortable. I know all about those cortisol levels, and I’m thinking mine are pretty high right about now.
So, here I am. Eating half a bagel just ’cause it looked good as I put away the groceries that were still out on the counter from earlier today. Stuffing handfuls of unwashed blueberries in my mouth because I can’t stop myself long enough to run water over them first. They’re just that good…and I’m a little bit lazy. Wondering how anyone’s even still reading my blog with as little as I’ve been able to write this summer. Realizing that I’m writing this post as if it’s Labor Day weekend and summer is over.
I stand corrected. It’s been a challenging summer thus far. Here’s to the three weeks left of it before I’m taking that first day of school picture on our front steps again. May He show me some redeeming messages in the s0-dang-hard-ness of it all.
(warning: objects in photo are much more challenging than they appear.)
Praying for you and your family, and feeling much the same! Sometimes it’s just a nice reminder that this is a normal season of life and we’re not the only ones feeling the craziness! : )
Oh I’m still reading! And I feel ya. The last three weeks are going to be looooong.
Just seeing this now. And yeah, this summer is kicking my hiney in ways I’m not even sure I realized it might. Hard. Hard. Hard. And getting harder, in some ways. Though I love summer vacay’s ease of routine, I find myself longing for some glimmer of some normalcy that I fear has long since flown the coop. Sigh. I get it. I’m with ya.