It’s no big deal for Ashlyn now. She has performed her dances enough now that she worries more about having her eyeliner put on than the part actually on stage in front of an audience.
But, our little one? It was her first experience on a real stage. She had been up front twice before with Community Bible Study. The first time last year, she lasted about 5.5 seconds before breaking down. This past Christmas, she did really well. But, it was up front in a church with normal lighting and with a sanctuary of ladies who were all smiling and loving on those little ones.
The Chinese New Year Gala yesterday that our Chinese school does every year was a bit different. Picture a full high school auditorium with a 98% Chinese audience, lots of cameras, lots of microphones turned up too high with occasional feedback that has become as much a part of the day as the acts themselves.
All she had to do was go up with her class and sing a song. That’s it. She made it quite clear that she didn’t want to do it. More than a few “no”s were said as she clung to me. The invitation to hold the hand of her classmate didn’t keep her tears away either.
Right before the class’ big moment, I took her back stage and placed her there on the edge of the group.
Pointing to the side…”I’ll be right there. If you don’t want to do it or feel scared, just come right to me, okay?”
And, she nodded.
The curtain opened.
And, the music started.
And, under those bright lights, maybe all the crowd disappeared a little because she did it. She moved her lips ever so slightly in rhythm with the song, seemingly singing words I do not understand. Who knows if any actual sound came out…but that doesn’t matter.
And, then she turned to me and smiled with her dimples looking bigger than ever and waved at me as if she hadn’t a care in the world. My belle of the CNY ball.
I wish I had gotten it on camera, but I put the camera down because I was too busy waving and gushing.
Oh I love this! How adorable! Way to go, Lydia! You and Ashlyn are ready for Broadway….in Chinese!
This is fantastic!!! Congrats to Lydia!!!