I didn’t take the red eye home; my eyes are just still red from a whole lot of connecting at Created for Care this weekend. This morning, I frantically searched my purse for my car keys…while sitting in the driver’s seat with the engine running. That’s how tired I am yet today from super late nights and lots of chatting it up with kindred spirits.
Such good stuff though it didn’t start out so good.
Got into Atlanta from Philly Thursday evening and was greeted by Samantha and her daughter Hannah who were local chics who had volunteered to be our chauffeurs. Made us feel all VIP and stuff…until I got a message in the car from the woman who I had invited to join us as a VIP who was waiting for us in baggage claim (40 minutes back at the airport).
That’s right. Despite the fact that she is the cutest mom ever, I forgot that a month earlier I offered to have her join us…and she was left at the airport. (clear throat) I left her at the airport.
Welcome to Altanta, friend. Now, get your own ride. Not my finest moment.
As I fretted in the car and called everybody I could think of who might be able to pick her up, she called her roomies who had arrived earlier and they jumped right in the car to go get her. So, she didn’t stay at the Atlanta airport all weekend. And, I made sure I found her as soon as she arrived so that I could give her a hug and sleep a little easier that night. Lucky for me she was gracious in addition to being cute.
Once I was able to hold my head up again, God used pretty much every minute of the weekend to bless and encourage me.
In the first rush of arrivals, a mama came up to introduce herself and thanked me for how we serve adoptive families. She pulled out a picture of the precious little one waiting for her to bring her home from China and told me we played a part in that through the grant we gave their family. Another mom showed me pictures of her open house where she used the jewelry we offer for families to use to fundraise for their adoptions. She thanked me and wanted me to know that there were real families being blessed by what we do. It was like the smiles of a newborn baby right there in front of me–just when you think you’re exhausted and wondering how much longer you can keep on keeping on, that newborn smiles at you and somehow the thought of serving seems more of a blessing to you than anyone else. Yeah, that’s what those women were like for me.
The conversations shared around our tables. The late night slumber parties where we shared a lot of laughter and a few tears. Wrestling over who God is and how we should view adoption in light of who He is along with other mamas who love Him. Dreaming with other women about the ministry He has set before us. Being poured into and blessed by adoptive mothers who have done this thing and gone before us and want to walk with us. Worshipping together with a spirit-filled leader and hearing 450 women’s voices fill the room as an offering to the One who brought our families together and all of us together at that moment.
That’s good stuff.
I ran on home ready to do this thing called motherhood and ministry with renewed energy–and was met with hugs and flowers when I arrived. In my heart, I’m already committed to next year, just not committing to getting anyone else from the airport just yet…and maybe never.
If you were there too, I want to read your thoughts and see your pictures and keep that encouragement coming.
Oh my friend! Loved reading all about it!! Missed it terribly and can’t wait for a coffee date to hear about everything!!! Though the next month is going to be crazy and it might just have to wait until Together Called! Ahhh, can you believe it’s just in a few weeks!!
Love you, friend!
I love seeing all these wonderful post about your guys weekend! I sure hope I can attend one of them soon!!
oh, kelly!! i LOVE catherine and am so, so sorry that you forgot to bring her along! what a mess! sounds like something i would do!! she is the sweetest thing on the planet so i know she didn’t mind :). SOOOO amazing meeting you in person this weekend. your ministry and hard work serving adoptive mommas is appreciated and valued. you are all kinds of amazing and i am blessed to know you!!! :)
I’m REALLY hoping to make one of these next year!! I already know I’ll really need it!!
Kelly – We are forever friends, and I will always laugh about how the weekend started off. What an incredible weekend it was. I was so blessed by friends, the speakers, the music, the food, the laughter, the date with God. I could go on and on! So thankful to walk this journey with all of you lovely ladies that are sold out for Jesus!
Remind me next time, jealous i didnt know about it:(
Glad u had a great time:)
Hugs & happy cNY
SO looking forward to March, when I get to go! :)