I’m a social drinker. Take me out to a coffee house, and I’ll sit and sip on that decaf latte and chat the night away. But, gone are the days of meeting girlfriends for a night out once a week to talk about things we’re reading – at least for a season. A little too much going on lately for that.
Here’s the book – Factory Girls: From Village to City in a Changing China for about $10.
If you wanna join a handful of other ladies who will be sitting at their computer screens with their decaf lattes in hand on Monday or Tuesday nights for about 7 weeks to give their two cents about this highly acclaimed book, go ahead and brew yourself acuppa joe and pull up your chair to our Facebook group.
We’re so modern and cool, such women of 2013, aren’t we?
Yeah, we are.
Do you think a teenager would be able to join the group? I’m 18 years old, and i have a very deep interest in adoption, china, and South Korea. I love reading about all sorts of books and i read the little blurb about the book that you posted, and it looks very interesting!