It’s the last day of 2012. I’ve been thinking about what my last post of the year could be–things I’ve learned this year, things I’m looking forward to in 2013, interviews with the kids. Nothing really jumped out to me.
This morning, a friend shared this link. It’s of a baby boy. Abandoned. Found at a busy Zhengzhou station. The crowd of people look on. Some smile at him as he peers with wide eyes back. Some look on perhaps with shame or just curiosity. Regardless, there is a crowd watching, waiting to see what will be done with this child bundled and alone.
He will be raised by a fruit vendor. No formal adoption, just a handwritten document with some red inked fingerprints. That’s it. No dossier, background checks, homestudies. He’s told by the police not to sell the child, raise him as his own and he’ll take care of him later.
Watch the video. If like me, you have a child who you parent via adoption, pray for your child’s birthparents and for peace for them this coming year. Thank God for the incredible privilege you have been given to parent your child. It is indeed a privilege and a huge responsibility. Pray for children like this boy who find themselves alone. And, pray for big things to happen in 2013 to care for children around the world–that more families would be able to keep their children, that more children could be adopted in their home countries safely, that more children will know the love of a family.
I’m praying the scenario I imagine is indeed true…that he and his wife had tried for years to have a baby and now he would be able to take this precious child home and make his wife’s every dream and prayer come true! God let that be true!
I don’t even know how to feel about this video. Wow is all I can say. Just wow.