The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in Spirit. Psalm 34:18
It was only minutes later that I heard the news and began to realize the great number of broken hearts today.
Where is He? How do I reconcile this to my children?
He is near.
We’ve read everyday this month of His love story, of broken people who need a rescuer and the rescuer who gives everything to draw us near. That’s what advent is–His coming near. And, that is what we must cling to.
Evan, Ashlyn, Drew, and Lydia, I want you to know this.
No, this isn’t what God wanted for His children. This was not His design. I don’t understand why this happened. We don’t get it. You may hear things at school next week about what happened today. You may hear stories from other kids. Some may try to joke about it just because they don’t know what else to say about it. And, that’s not okay. Because this is really bad, and there are many many people with broken hearts right now because of what happened today. It’s bad, and our world is so broken that it makes our chests hurt. The depth of sin is so deep. And, our need for a savior is nothing short of urgent.
Know He is near.
Know He is so sad.
And, know He somehow brings peace where there is chaos in His timing. I don’t know how. We can’t imagine it sometimes. But, He somehow does it because He loves us with a never ending love that is way bigger than we can ever even imagine, deeper than the biggest ocean, bigger than the biggest mountain.
He is near to the brokenhearted. He could be nowhere else. He’s all about broken hearts.
This is perfect. He IS near. I’m laying here awake thinking about how horrific it must be to have your child go to school one day and NEVER come home again. It is just heartbreaking. So so heartbreaking!
Our earth groans in anticipation for the day He will make all things new…..
Thank you for sharing this, He is near to the brokenhearted…..and holding those beautiful new angels in heaven!
This is all so Unfathomable……my heart is crushed.