Yeah, we don’t do Santa. And, we have a 3-gift tradition; our children know that wise men story quite well now.
But, we still go grocery shopping and make runs to Target and lots of other stores. Here we are, days before Thanksgiving, and the stores halls are way over decked already. Everywhere we go, we are inundated with things we “can’t live without.”
I called my mom last week and was telling her about the Santa post that got interesting. She told me, “I never wanted you girls to feel like you couldn’t have fun, that you were missing out on something because we were Christians.” I didn’t. And, I don’t believe our kids do. We may not do Santa, but we do fun. While I love all the jolly and the red and green, I long to be filled with something more.
I don’t want to forget who God is and how He’s the One behind all this.
He’s the reason for the season. It’s so cliche. It’s so bumper stickerish.
But, He is the reason for this season and every season. And, I don’t want to let even good distractions cause me to forget. I want to see Him and celebrate Him in those experiences–in sitting around our turkey dinner this week, in fun Black Friday shopping with my daughter, in cutting down our tree, and staying up too late wrapping gifts.
When I remember who He is, I can point my children to who He is.
Any tools that help me do that, I’m all for. My favorite one? Seeds. I’m not embarrassed to tell you that all the verses I’ve memorized myself are because of Seeds. And, yeah, I struggle to speak the verses rather than sing them. And, when I hear little voices with messed up “r”s and “k”s that sound like “t”s singing God’s word….now that’s joy to my world, ya’ll.
I think Seeds knew we’d all need a reminder of who God is at about this time. Their new album? The Character of God.
This is the message we have heard from him and declare to you: God is light; in him there is no darkness at all. If we claim to have fellowship with him and yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not live out the truth. But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin. 1 John 1:5-7
Wanna remember that and help your family remember that? Here you go, folks.
You can download God is Light, courtesy of Seeds Family Worship’s blog tour by clicking on the “like” button in this cute little graphic below here. Then, take some time to visit the other bloggers in the blog tour–visit them all and you can download the entire new album. Add those sings right into your Christmas play lists so that if the blinking lights and tinsel start to distract you, you can get a few reminders set to music sprinkled in there.
Here are some other stops in the tour:
Matthew West
Oh Amanda
Sami Cone
Home With the Boys
The Better Mom
Ministry to Children
Homeschool Creations
Thank you for being such a treat testimony for Jesus during the holidays.
Hey girl, help me out. I can’t find the link to the download on any of the sites. Ack! Help!
I’ve liked the “like to download” but nothing is happening.., I’d love to download the song! Seeds Family Worship is our family’s favorite… Could you help?
Hey Kelly! I “liked”…but I couldn’t download the song. Any tips on how to download?
Thanks for the giveaway! :)