It’s Monday. And, I’ve been talking a lot today. Some vanilla chai spiced caffeinated coffee will do that to me, a decaf girl. But, I needed it because I think I got a total of 10 hours of sleep this weekend. My body is tired; but my heart is not (and that’s not because of the brew).
The Connecting While Correcting conference Saturday was more energizing than a grande latte. Nearly 100 people came, giving up basically a full Saturday, investing in their families, eager to learn. Cheryl Nitz gave the whys and the hows of connecting with our kids while handling difficult behavior so clearly. I saw a couple moms with a pen in one hand and a highlighter in another quickly writing and highlighting, repeat, repeat (makes a Type A overthinker like me proud).
Mark and I and some other trained folks led small groups of parents so they could hash through the material in a deeper way and brainstorm applying it to some real life situations. The rooms were filled with parents being vulnerable with the struggles and open to hearing suggestions with teachable spirits. We could have spent a few more hours in those groups.
“I will come to anything you guys offer. I mean that. Anything.” That’s what one woman told me at the end of the day. She asked me for more resources and scribbled down book names on her notes. I suggested the Empowered to Connect website to her and told her that it would be really helpful but did let her know it has a faith component, not knowing what she’d be comfortable with. She told me, “I don’t come from any faith background but if what you all talked about today is there, I’m all for it.”
What better encouragement could we receive? Clear confirmation that what has brought Mark and I to our Starbucks travel mugs of caffeinated beverages this morning is right.
This conference may be over, but we trust that it’s impact will be long lasting. We have just enough time now to catch our breath.
Registration for Together Called, our faith-based marriage retreat for adoptive couples in February, will open at 11:59pm Wednesday night.
Any of ya’ll feel like taking a road trip to Lancaster County, PA? I’m rubbing my hands together in anticipation already.
I went to the Empowered to Connect conference in Nashville a couple of weekends ago. Oh my!! LOVED it!!
Together Called sounds wonderful! We would totally be thinking of going if we weren’t hoping to be back in China during that time! ;)
Praying for everyone who is even thinking of going!!