We’re learnin’ that Texans don’t just say ya’ll, they also make all -ing words -in words.
So, here we are after about 12 hours of gettin’ our Empowered to Connect on at the Train the Trainer course.
And, as Karen Purvis would say, woah Nellie.
Deep stuff today as Michael and Amy Monroe face the task of equipping (sorry) equippin’ us and a handful of other couples to teach Empowered to Connect to other parents.
My neurotransmitters are a bit fried from so much firing today, thank you very much. So, this connector is heading to bed to get ready for another full day tomorrow.
Know you are learning so much!! Miss you around here (well on fb and email, etc)! Can’t wait to hear all about it. Thankful for you, friend!
Hope you’re restin’ up so you can fill us in on all the other stuff you learn, do, soak up, neurotransmit, etc.