Oh. my. goodness. people.
Back and forth, back and forth. We’re ahead by 10, down by 10, etc., etc. There were some serious people rallying on our behalf. That’s serious people seriously rallying (like asking all their Facebook friends, their teenage children, coworkers, etc. to click for us).
At a little after 11am, I shut down the Macbook and headed out with the kiddos to the pool since it was at the point that I just couldn’t watch any more (picture me, hands over my eyes, peeking every so often). Every 10 minutes or so, I was checking in to see the status. And, the numbers started going crazy…as did my text messages.
None of us knew how it actually ended.
Hours later, we got the official word from Dan at Together for Adoption. He counted up the votes, going through and deleting ones from duplicate IP addresses.
Can you see this screen shot?
1,624 votes. That’s a whole lotta clicks for us. Geez Louise. Can’t believe it.
What’s Atlanta like in September?
And, if anyone out there knows the Cannings family, tell them we’ve got to meet, hopefully in September in Atlanta.
No. more. voting. contests.
Unless the grand prize is a trip to China or one of my children is running for the Presidency.
I’ll stick to dressing up like cows to get free food at Chickfila ($45 meal for free, people, just for some ears on headbands and black construction paper spots). Totally more our speed.
LOL – I hear ya. That’s exactly how that contest felt for the make-over thing. OH MY WORD. And then the suspense of not knowing how it would end? OY!
Actually, the suspense has been still lingering for me, as the 3 Grand Prizes are chosen out of the top 100 vote-getters and THEY don’t get announced till on or about the 18th!!!!
SOOO glad you won. Can’t wait to hear what you glean and experience while you are there. And give those Cannings a big hug around their necks for being such good competition :)
congratulations! :)
Maybe we can finally meet and you can have some good ole Chick-fil-A at the home office for lunch!! Did you dress up yesterday for Cow Appreciation day?? Would love to hook up with you while you are in my neck of the woods!! So glad you won!!! Blessings!
Watched your video and felt that “catch” in my throat…so happy you get to go! Congratulations!
Yay!! Congrats!! I can’t imagine how stressful that was for you…so happy for you :-)!
Yeah, so glad for ya. I hope you learn a lot at the conference! And then share it all with us!
You go, girl! Literally, you get to GO to the conference for FREE! HOORAY! I was stressed out for you!!