It’s cuatro de Mayo.
Which means our big adoption conference is tomorrow. The one we’ve been planning for months.
We’ve been promoting, calling, copying, collating, counting, emailing, making our lists and checking them twice.
And, in case you were wondering, even with a lot of hands involved (we are eternally grateful, Amy, Abbey, Jen, and Jon), pulling something like this off is a good bit of work apparently.
And, we’re just…oh…a wee bit tired (as are those helping hands, I know).
And, a wee bit anxious.
About 100 people coming. Everyone expecting something. Maybe some have some significant things they are dealing with as parents. Maybe some of their children are really struggling, and they want support to know how to help. Some are waiting parents, wanting to be prepared for those children soon to be joining their families. Many have a handful of adopted kids and could school us all, no doubt.
But, tomorrow, starting at 9am, we’re all coming together with a shared focus to learn together how to better parent our children.
And, that’s pretty cool. And, makes all the work from us all well worth it.
Even the work that gives little ones a little bit too much freedom perhaps.
Hope it goes awesome!! Hope to attend it the next time you have it!
So excited. I cannot wait to hear all about it.
Praying the Lord blesses your time tomorrow…
Those poor fish…
I’m so excited for you! Yes, you are tired and overwhelmed, but you are prepared. You are called. You are equipped through Him. And He’s gonna rock this through you!
Can’t wait to hear about all the ways He shows up and all the ways you see His hand working.
Cause He called those 100 people to your awesome conference…so get to it! He’s going to work through you big time!!
God bless. ooh the FISH! just live okay? :)
Thinking of you today!! Praying it goes super well.