I’ve been so busy posting all the Purposeful Giveaways (4 open right now and more coming this week!) that I’ve barely just posted about life lately. Sorta goes with how my days have been these last couple weeks though–driven by lists of things to do. I’m crazy with my lists. Something about checking things off makes me feel good.
But, with Thanksgiving means the start of Christmas. And, I’m not going to let lists drive me. I’m just not.
Instead, I’m going to let some things roll that maybe I wouldn’t have before. My kids aren’t going to have great coordinating Christmas outfits. I’m not going to color code wrapping paper (anyone want to join my Type-A club?). I’m hoping to get a good family picture yet for a Christmas card, but I may have to settle.
But, we’re going to have fun. I’m going to have fun. And, I’m actually going to celebrate Christmas enjoying our traditions and the meaning behind them instead of rush through it as I tend to do. Yes, I’ll still do some overthinking because that’s what I do. But, I’m going to overthink things worth overthinking–like Jesus becoming one of us.
So, there. I’ve said it. Someone send me a link to this post in a couple weeks, okay?

You have a great Christmas card photo right in this post – love the Santa picture. I have cheated a few times and used the cards with multiple picture templates, so I can plug in great individual shots. I really wanted us all together in one picture this year, but time got away from me, and a cyber Monday deal on cards couldn’t be ignored, so multiple pictures again this year.