18 months home. Check-up day.
This morning, I raced to get the kids off to their schools and then get on over to CHOP’s cardiologist for Lydia’s appointment. I wasn’t worried about the appointment. A check up every 6 months. Just got to do it.
A VSD put her in the special needs program. We were prepared for heart surgery. We were relieved to learn the week we got home that surgery would likely never be needed. Our cardiologist explained that it would only be necessary if the valve started to pull into the little hole between the walls of the bottom two chambers of her heart.
“Show him your heart, Lydia.” She pointed to her chest and said, all drawn out as she does, “Right here.” He listened. He listened some more. She got the EKG with stickers that tickled. Then, we went into the little room fitted with a big ole bed for her echo.
The tech pulled up her echo from 18 months ago. I could watch it on the computer screen and hear it–her heart sounded like a little bird to me, racing.
“Was she really upset when we did this before?” she asked.
“What do you mean?”
“It’s just that her heart was a bit crazy there. Looks like she was really worked up.”
She wasn’t.
18 months ago, we were in that same room with the same technician even. It was just me and Lydia. I sat there with her and rubbed her legs during that echo all while she lay perfectly still, just looking at me, not making a peep. I remember at one point, I even got her to fall asleep.
But, she wasn’t at peace. For a year, she never left one building. One day, one of the nannies there dressed her up nicely in new clothes, put her in a car for perhaps the 2nd time in her life, drove 2 1/2 hours, brought her into an office building and handed her to a white lady with a big nose who was crying and laughing at the same time who then passed her back and forth to a big white guy with red hair. We took her to our hotel room, then an airplane, then another hotel room, all while going to restaurants and walking around crowded streets. Then, after a very long plane ride, we arrived somewhere entirely new–new sounds, new smells, new people, new children wanting to touch her and hug her.
As calm as she seemed during that echo 18 months ago, the poor baby was upset. And, we’ve got a video record of her heart to prove it.
But, today, was different. She happily laid on the bed and talked to me about Dora who they had playing on a screen for her to pass the time. I watched the screen and the images of her heart, amazed at the clarity of the picture and how we were able to painlessly look right into our little one’s chest. Amazing.
And, then, she said it. The tech smiled at me and said it.
“Have you been praying?”
Her heart is healed. The hole is gone. Her heart is whole. Totally whole.
The cardiologist, an adoptive dad of two himself, smiled and told us he doesn’t want to see us ever again.
All 23 lbs of her.

Ok, totally crying here!!!!! God is so amazing, what a testimony to his healing powers…..and, the miracles that only He can do. Beautiful post, amazing story of How much the Father loves!!
Miraculous healing on BOTH counts!!! I love our God, and I am rejoicing with you!!!
Praise God!
Wow Kelly that is awesome! So happy for you all. Kaitlyn’s VSD never closed and she still goes to the cardiologist for check ups. She is past the age now for it to be likely to close, but it is not likely to grow at this point either. With everything going on with children that I know lately, this Momma is a bit paranoid and I was a nervous wreck for the first time going to her check up this year. I prayed the whole way there. Hole is still there-no bigger no smaller, and Kaitlyn is still smiling, running around totally un-effected by it, so my prayers were answered as well!
wonderful Blessing!
What a sweet story. Yep…crying.
AMAZING!! Proof that love can heal all wounds :). I pray to hear the same news one day!
I love her smile! Especially that wrinkly nose of hers!
Glory and thanks to God for His abundant mercy.
that is just wonderful. I love this post.
Oh Kelly! That’s just wonderful!!! I am thrilled for you and for your little pumpkin. I can’t believe how big she is getting and how long her hair is getting!
Such GREAT news!
I just have to add … sorry if this is weird, but in that second picture, I can totally picture Lydia as an old lady, wringing her hands and smiling that same great crinkly smile!
Praise God! (Beautifully written, too!)
Your post made me cry (in a good way!) That’s awesome news for you and your little girl.
What a perfect story of how our Heavenly father heals us physically and spiritually. Lydia looks thrilled to be home, healed, and loved!! :)
She is just the sweetest little thing ever!! God is sooo good!
Such a good story! And such great pictures!
She is so cute and looks so so happy.
Not much more to say. A whole heart. Perfect as the Lord made it.
Just perfect.
WOW…PRAISE GOD FROM WHOM ALL BLESSINGS FLOW! So happy that Lydia has a wonderfully woven together heart and that your family is making it whole.
Praise GOD from whom all blessings flow! So happy to hear that Lydia’s heart has healed and that your family has helped do that from the inside, out! Celebrating with you…
God is able!
Yeah! So happy for you guys! And yes, Miss Lydia is one amazing lady!
SIGH…OK, done crying! What an amazing God story! And I must admit that I am praying that I will retell this story next year after we bring our little girl home!! (BIG SIGH)
What a beautiful little girl!
Only God.
That’s such awesome news!!!
And, BTW……in these pictures, I swear Lydia looks like you a bit.
Gosh, is she adorable, huh? And 100% healthy! Praise God!!!
Awesome…praise God!
Love love love this story and the healthy ending :)
Great news! Mia was about the same age when we got similar news…VSD is closed, no need to come back again. A SN that was really no need at all. Congrats on the great day!
Rejoicing with you all! What happy news. God is so gracious and kind. What a beautiful story sweet Lydia will have to tell the world as she grows and goes! Yay, God!!!!
MIRACULOUS. I know you usually frame pictures. You should frame this blog post and display it in your home. God is an awesome awesome God and I’m praising Him along with you for His work in Lydia’s (and your) life! – Lisa
sobbing over here…sobbing. PRAISE GOD! how wonderful!!!!!!
I LOVE this news! Praise the Lord!! Prayer works!
What happy, wonderful, incredible news! SO happy for you and sweet Lydia!!! I still remember when we experienced that miraculous moment ourselves – twice! God is so amazing!!!
Doing the whole laughing and crying this here! Praising God for the many ways he is healing sweet Lydia…faithful God!
Only God! From one heart mommy to another, only God :)
This….the little girl they thought wouldn’t make it. :) Hmmm…God is soooooo VERY GOOD! So very happy! What a blessing!
Thanks for sharing this story Kelly…so beautiful!
what a powerful testimony! thanks. needed it! will follow your blog now.
Amazing, wonderful, fabulous news! Congrats!
Beautiful post. God is great! And your sweetie’s smile lights up the room.
I am so so happy for you! :-)
What a wonderful story…Lydia is so blessed to have a wonderful family and you are lucky to have that smiling face coming up to daily..she is beautiful!
So glad to hear that she’s “whole”! Great news!