Sometimes blogging is particularly fun.
There’s a big ole company–Avery–heard of them?–they’ve got a big cause going on right now that they are promoting. And, as part of that promotion, they had some PR people looking for ways to promote it. And, someone read this post–the one where I mention that I felt like I needed to take out a home equity loan to pay for school supplies–and this post–the one where I confess my love for office supplies and my odd joy perhaps over sharp led and colored wax.
And, check out the fun box I got in the mail–glue sticks, highlighters, dry erase markers, tabs, dividers, and a brand spankin’ new binder.
And, they are all for me.
That’s right. They aren’t the only ones with sweet new supplies for the first week of school. I’ve got some of my own. And, I’m pretty excited to put them to use. I can see it now–walking into CBS with my tote bag with my new binder stocked with labeled dividers and maybe a pencil case with my highlighters and other goodies. And, you bet I’ll find a use for those glue sticks. Someone is bound to need one in class one Tuesday morning. And, I’ll be the gal they come to. Because this gal’s got school supplies.
Oh, yeah, I’m pretty happy about that.
Avery’s got some smart PR people–and some smart executives doing some pretty neat things. I hadn’t heard about it before now, and I can’t believe I hadn’t.
You know those box tops we send into school with the little pencil logo on them? Well, Avery is part of that Box Tops for Education program. With each little coupon found on their products, schools have earned over $1,000,000 from Avery stuff alone to buy computers, playground equipment, textbooks, etc. Wow.
And, Avery has their own program called Avery Give Back to Schools–folks can vote online for the K-8 school they want to win (and can nominate their own local school). The top 5 schools at the end of the promotion will each win $10,000 worth of Avery school supplies–that’s a lot of binders, glue sticks, and sticky notes–10,000 bonus box tops coupons, and $1,000 worth of gift cards. That’s pretty sweet. And, 25 runner-up schools will get 5,000 bonus box top coupons as well.
Head on over there–do a quick registration to vote (takes a whole 60 seconds, maybe)–and then vote for your local school (or look up Barkley Elementary in Phoenixville if you want to give my kids’ school some love). Share the link and get your friends to vote too–so easy to do by clicking on the little FB or Twitter icon there on the voting page. Just think, no home equity loan needed, and your kids could have all the supplies they need.
Thank you, Mr. or Mrs. Avery.
Now, I’m off to find something to highlight.
I will confess, I like back to school supplies, and I buy some for myself too! thanks for sharing about the program!
I got my own “problem” with office supplies :) I’d love hear from the Avery family!
As a foster (Still) And adoptive parent this would be a book I would love to read and maybe buy more to pass along with the children as they go to their forever homes as a gift to their new parents!!! I think it would be great
Um….that’s SUPER awesome! Lucky ducky!!!