Free family movies in the summer rule. But, $1 family movies are even better. It’s not that I’m wanting to spend $4 to see the same movies we could see for free. But, that $1 has kept the large groups of kids in matching tees who don’t have enough adults to chaperone them away. And, as much as I love kids, I confess that I’m glad to not have to do the “come-on-kids-hurry-up-we-gotta-get-a-seat!!!!” routine 30 minutes before the show. Instead, we arrive 10 minutes early, walk leisurely to the correct theater, and this mommy and her children are all very happy. We are so civilized thanks to those $1 tickets.
I’m giving a standing ovation to Ramona and Beezus which we saw this week–the best family movie I’ve seen in a long time. Genuinely entertaining and so many good things to talk about with the kids afterwards. And, I have the movie to thank for keeping my children busy this afternoon making the longest drawing ever. The super long drawing of a science museum being visited by Harry Potter with an aquarium with pixie hollow also secretly looking at the same tank of fish is a masterpiece.
Last night as we did the “come-on-kids-hurry-up-and-eat-we-gotta-get-Drew-to-his-swim-class” routine, Ashlyn asked me out of the blue, “What if our dad lost his job?” They gasped as I told them that he had lost his job 3 years ago but he quickly got another job. They went on to express their regrets that Daddy didn’t take the opportunity to get a “cool” job like a police officer, fireman, or mailman. Is it the uniform that makes them find these jobs cool? And, there I was, feeling like I had to defend my husband to…our children. “Well, guys, he has to work very hard to make enough money for us. You know, having 4 kids costs a lot of money!” At which point, Ashlyn looked straight into my eyes and said, “You had to pay for us too?”
And, I knew exactly what she was talking about. Somehow, my immediate response about how it takes a lot of money to pay for food and electricity and school supplies (anyone else feeling like they need to take out a home equity loan for school supplies?) and clothes, etc. just doesn’t seem enough.
Um…looks like we have some more talking to do about adoption.
SO cute! I watched Ramona and Beezus with my kids one night when Jody was out of town and we all loved it! The girls and I all cried…and Carson was laughing at us! :)
I totally understand. We have had that conversation a few times with B. She didn’t mean it the way it sounded or at least the way it would have sounded to others. It’s just a hard concept to grasp. We talked about how with K we had to pay for paperwork and travel and for her we had dr. appts for mom and hospital bills. That seemed to help her understand….at least for now. :)
Our biological children cost just as much if not more than our adopted children. $6-8,000 for a regular delivery without complications-after seven months of prenatal care and followed by years of well child checks, immunization, the real cost of caring for them (even if you don’t go out to work, if you had to pay someone to do what you do, how much would that add up to? Would someone else get paid more for night duty?) You can see what I’m saying. A lot of people think their biological children were cheaper but it’s not true.
I know just what you mean about the movies! We have a free Wednesday movie at 11:00 at a theater that serves meals. No kid eats before 11:00 or can wait until the movie is over, and of course we can’t get there right at the last minute or we won’t get a seat. So I spend more for the food than I would have paid for the film.
Good luck with the back to school shopping.
lol…we kinda have that question going on too. Mason asked if we were going to ‘buy’ a sister next time.
Umm…. :( Lots to talk about over here as well.
I’m familiar with that conversation too, Kelly. We’ve had to explain it a couple of times to Grant. It costs money to biologically have a baby and it cost money to have a child through adoption. Same thing just comes in a different package!
I know what you’re talking about with all those kids in the same colored tshirts!! Yes, I’d gladly pay the dollar. Found you through Picket Fence Blogs and following you now via GFC!! Looking forward to it!
Heartfelt Balance Handmade Life
Mya’s friend’s Mom told me the other day that Mya & her little girl were playing house and Mya told her “baby” – that, “Mommy couldnt afford that she had too many kids to feed.”
and then later when the Mom asked Mya if she had any rollerskates Mya told her, “nope. my Mom is saving her money to go to China to get my sister.”
Apparently we talk more than we realize :)
Oh my goodness. We had to submit all of our hospital bills for our last 2 children through our FLEX plan to be reimbursed … I think I kept a record of full expense versus Insurance and Flex reimbursement … I never knew why I did this to such a crazy degree, curiosity maybe?–maybe someday (and that’s a BIG MAYBE!) I will use it to explain that, no, BIRTH is not Free either. It also needs to have figured in the wear and tear on the mom for 9 months plus another year of wear and tear for breast feeding … and the expenses of raising that child to the age of the child you could be adopting … I would bet that suddenly the “cost” wouldn’t seem so much.
I’d like to run this by my husband some night. It would have to be an extremely bold night on my part (heh heh)
“Honey … I was just thinking we should get pregnant, go through nine months of me throwing up and being grumpy and crying and getting absolutely HUGE and then worrying about the delivery and the health of our newborn as well as me and my recovery (thinking another belly button surgery here) … having those early months of no sleep and crying (by both me and the baby) lots of diapers and me being busy with newborn stuff … and all those baby accessories that drive you C.R.A.Z.Y. cluttering the house …
we should adopt.”
Hmmm … change of perspective can be good.
Ok, I’m laughing, but it’s not funny, and I know that, but I’m laughing anyway.
Yeah….life as an adoptive parent. So much of it we don’t realize they don’t realize until we realize it, huh? :)