Poor Daddy had to take nearly a dozen store trips before he found all the hardware he needed for new bolts and all those other necessary things to ensure this thing wouldn’t just fall apart on us.
By that evening, it all looked pretty darn good though we’re still missing some landscaping and the fence that will hopefully be up soon. On Sunday…oh boy…as soon as we got home from church and the kids could change out of their Sunday best, the playground fun began.
I was tempted to get up there myself and giggle like a little girl again.
But, I found this.
Case you can’t read it — one sign said “Kid’s Clubhouse” and the other said “Keep Out Kids Only.” (And, take note of Drew’s particularly devious smile next to the second sign.)
So, that’s how it is, huh?
This actually worked the first time the kids approached the back door. The three big ones actually stopped and yelled into me to ask if they I could give them cups and a pitcher of water since they weren’t allowed in.
They even ate in there.
Well, all but one of them.
Though I may have been tempted to break the rules, climb up into that clubhouse, and eat up there myself, I was not tempted to do this.

what an awesome playground set!! The kids are obviously having a total blast. We had a pool at our old house – we moved & now have a pond….older kids are never home because they are swimming at a neighbors…daddy gave in & ordered a pool last night. yeah for awesome daddies!
Awesome!! Looks like the one we used to have!
That’s fantastic! Yay for you!
Looks like your kids are having a lot of fun.
Yay for Daddy putting the swing set together.
Yay for you for scoring such a great deal!
Oh my! What fun! That is a fabulous playset and I know the kids will enjoy it! Love! Love! Love! The Adults only sign…hysterical!
awwww…how neat!! Love the ‘adults only’ sign! When we moved from Phoenixville out here, we promised the kids a playset. They are on it everyday, and it’s nice to have them in your own backyard too. What a super duper blessing!!
I LOVE THIS POST!!! Great pictures – so happy to see how much FUN the kids are having! So wonderful!