How cool is that?
Melissa has a warm heart towards adoption having been touched by her mother-in-law’s experience with AIDS orphans in Africa through the Peace Corps and having many friends who are considering adopting, have adopted, or are currently in the process of adopting.
She told me:
I personally feel God has placed this desire to be connected and informed about the adoption process in my heart for a reason…I am not sure if it will lead to us actually adopting a child in the future or if it will be for me and my family to be proactive in causes like The Sparrow Fund. Only God knows! . . . I am so honored to be included in this fundraising event!
Melissa, perhaps you need a new design for adoption! A child + A family on the front. And “ONE MORE child with a forever family, ONE LESS orphan in the world” on the back! I’d buy it (in addition to the incognito ‘stache tee I ordered for Drew)
Go check out the site, go “like” it on Facebook along with over 3,300 other people (including me), thank Melissa for supporting adoption and adoptive families and for giving 10% of all sales during May to The Sparrow Fund. And, go order your compound word tee or a silhouette tee or your very own ‘stache tee. They are seriously the most adorable shirts I’ve seen in a while.