In the midst of that, we were fortunate to be cared for and counseled by professionals in adoption from CHOP. They didn’t have all the answers as you can read in our referral story–but that is what made our referral story the very special one that God had planned for us, one that clearly confirmed His hand. These doctors and specialists have been an awesome resource for us from helping us look closely at the files of children we thought may be our child, to providing counsel to us via skype when we were frantic in China when Lydia became very sick, to giving her assessments and making sure we were doing all we could for her after we got home, to connecting us with the specialists we needed for her individual needs, to providing us support in our attachment process via email and phone calls, to simply encouraging us when they felt we needed some encouragement. I may be their biggest fan.
This past fall, Mark told me about an idea he had for starting a nonprofit to give grants to families so that they could experience this type of support. As full as my plate was already, I felt my heart leap at the idea. We did not know of anyone offering grants for this purpose. There was a need. And, ideas starting spilling out about how we could meet it and how God could use these efforts for significant Kingdom work.
We adopted because we felt God’s call to do so. We wanted to grow our family, and we both felt like God called us to this journey. We didn’t set out to do more than that. But, we came home from China as changed people. I cannot explain it any other way really. The heart of our family beats for the children around the world and for supporting families who feel called to bring them home.
We united with a few kindred spirits and stepped out again onto unfamiliar paths. And, so The Sparrow Fund was born.
Come read my husband’s words about The Sparrow Fund here. And, go to the facebook page and “like” it.
In support of the work that The Sparrow Fund is doing and to help get that work rolling, the following retailers have very generously agreed to donate to The Sparrow Fund 10% of their total sales during the entire month of May! (They totally rock.) Please visit these retailers’ sites and plan what you will buy come May (I’ve got my eyes on a few goodies myself!) and personally thank them for supporting adoption and the work of The Sparrow Fund!
I think it’s going to be nothing short of amazing! Love the way is working in your hearts!!
This is fabulous! Making the decision to sign that LOI was the hardest of our lives, one that might have been easier if we’d felt like we could spend the several hundred dollars to consult with an adoption clinic.
For some reason, The Sparrow Fund is stuck in my mind these days. I am in awe. I feel blessed just to keep your cyber company. I know the Lord has His hands all over it.
Nancy-of the crazy 8
LOVE it! Love the creativity our Father has given you – and so excited to see what He will do with it.
And just so ya know, we’re standing side-by-side in the “World’s Biggest Fan” line… CHOP Rocks! :)
Love checking out all these fab stores! I am so excited to see this ‘ministry’ bloom!!!
So excited to see what the Lord has in store for The Sparrow Fund!