I have never been so happy to hear a medical professional tell my on the phone that my kids had “viral infections.” They DO NOT have mono! (insert sigh of relief here) I have never heard of a virus making a child sleep 20 hours a day. This one seriously took them out. But, they are improving. And, our Disney trip is not in jeopardy. (insert another sigh of relief here)
Of course, viral infection means that the rest of the family could get it yet…which would not be good. So, meet my new friend.
Who am I kidding though? Antibacterial hand stuff isn’t really going to help when I have a toddler who somehow climbs up on the sink and steals people’s toothbrushes, sneaks sips of water bottles even when I’ve tried to tell the kids to keep them hidden, and enjoys any other such germ-sharing tricks. Perhaps she’s got all sorts of immunities built up and will kick those germs to the curb. I’m praying that is so.
For now, I’m simply enjoying answered prayers already that the kids are on the mend, and I can keep preparing them for Disney World and reading our Disney books and doing all that Disney stuff I like to do (I’m presently somewhat addicted to fabric paint and being home with sick kids this week has given me too much time to feed my addiction…).
Poor kids! Praying for quick healing at your house!
So glad it isn’t mono! We have been passing a bug around too with a dance recital at stake, so I understand your worries about your trip. Are you creating t-shirts for Disney? It would be fun to see your handiwork!
We TOTALLY brought a double stroller last year, and it was the BEST decision we made. We used it all the time, and did not regret bringing it once. 7 and 4, and they still really couldn’t hack the walking! Yeah, Sawyer was too big for the thing, but it worked….that’s all that mattered!