Yes, she’s super darn cute with her candy cane shaped pretzel (only in Phili!).
But, the hair.
Total. Mullet.
So, what’s a Mama to do?
Cut or not cut?
The only redeeming part of the mullet is pigtails. And, I don’t want to lose those. But, even Mark doesn’t like her hair down.
And that’s saying something.
Particularly since he does have some familiarity with mullets.
I’m just saying.

Oh, girl – cut, cut, cut!! She’ll have piggies again :) Plus, with it shaped up in the back (stacked!oh my!) she can have piggies on top of her head again – she is young, that’s still cute!!
Can’t wait to see Lyds’ new hair cut :) lol!!
And YUM on the pretzel!
Oh my little Ainzley had hair like that. I cut it and it grew out to one length a little faster. Cute pics!
Awwwww, it’s cute. Baby mullets can’t even be categorized like Daddy mullets, can they? I mean, Daddy mullets are just wrong. Baby mullets are about the process . . . and cute in the process. Right?
Cute ,Cute,Cute!
I love it! Let it grow and pull it up!Before you know it you will have long flowing locks on that beautiful baby!
This is my answer to the ackward Mullet phase that Ping (all kids) have.
I love the clipz and the bowz, but it’s the clipz (the way she makes them they won’t slid off) is brillant!
Maybe trim some of the back. I’ve always heard it could grow back faster if you trim.
She is TOO cute!! I have the same dilemma with my son (to cut or not to cut?) He has the most beautiful curls, but he’s becoming a “mop head.” And, I really don’t know why (because he’s as “boy” as “boy” gets), but he has been mistaken for a girl before.
We had the opposite problem–all the hair in the front and none in the back, so we did cut it–otherwise she couldn’t see. I wouldn’t think a trim would hurt, and you might be able to leave enough for pigtails still.
I think she will be adorable either way.
Oh How i MISS PHILLY-Really MISS it! My kiddos love Philly soft pretzels-me too! Eat one for us! Oh and the hair, just cut the back and stick bows and flowers in it til it all catches up!
Merry Christmas
Ha ha!!! We need to see some Mark/mullet pics! I kept cutting Graces hair in the back until the front got long enough.
I remember Ally having the same problem. We ended up cutting it and giving her a fresh start. It helped as it started to grow out evenly. Piggies r the best though. I would hate to give them up too.
Either way she’s cuter than a button. It’s a tough call when the mullet is on one so cute…when it’s on a grown-up, duh, cut it. I see your point about the ponytails. But, if it were me, I’d probably trim it.
(I want a bite of that pretzel!)
Um…I think some “look alike” pics are in order for Mark and Lydia.
Gotta weigh in… cut it… just so I’m not alone.
I was having the exact issue with Tess. Waffled back and forth for months. Then she got ahold of some scissors and made the decision for me. Bad mama! Now she’s sporting a cute little bob.
we had our own mullet issues…finally broke down and trimmed the back. Now the front won’t grow because she has started using her hair as a napkin…sigh
Girl I wish I had some advice for you but uhhhh….6 boys=buzz cuts. Can’t wait to see what you end up doing though!!!
the mullet is cute!!!!
I would cut it. At least an inch or so. It will look a lot nicer when it is down and it will help the sides catch up. It won’t be long before you can do those piggies again, but a cute little bob would be adorable! You must post pictures of Mark with a mullet! LOL
awhh, the baby mullet!! ;)
…certainly NOT to be confused with the man-mullet (my hubby had his days with them too…he even PERMED it, and to think I thought it was so “HOT!” back-in-the-day! LOL!!!)
Anyway, back to baby…
I would cut it up. I think it will help it to grow in nicer. And you can still do all sorts of cute girly headbands and accessories. It’ll be growing back out to piggy-tail length before you know it!! ;)
Khloe kind of has that going on, too… only I can’t bring myself to cut it. I do trim it up every month though, and it’s getting better. But that is why she has her hair up in pigtails all the time… it looks best this way. Though now I am finally able to get just the sides up and leave the back down.
oh the dilemas! ;)
love how she is ‘going to TOWN!’ with that pretzel!! Gotta love a kid with determination!
She is SO stinkin’ cute Kelly!