I would have liked to post this earlier. But, Blogger gave me a message that I had run out of photo space. So, my free blog now is costing me a little bit since I had to buy more space for all my cute pictures. Had to do it. No one wants to read just my words and not see all my cutie patooties, right?
So, onto the review of Thankgiving…
My pumpkin rolls held together…as you can see, they indeed were glued with icing. But, cream cheese, butter, and powdered sugar apparently make a pretty good glue (I’m sure the kids would love for me to make it their regular crafting glue). And, it was super yummy.
My sweet baby girl did wonderfully amidst the chaos there. In fact, she really enjoyed it. And, her little piggies are so darn cute. Is it strange to say I’m thankful for pigtails?
Classic picture of Dad cutting the turkey. I’m thankful that he didn’t cut his finger this time in this task. We all were. He’s looking quite festive in his crazy plaid, isn’t he?
Mmmmm….my wonderful husband. Super thankful for him. What a great smile he has. Just looking at this picture warms my heart. I love this guy.
Drew wore this for a good part of the day. He calls it his “king of fuzzies.” I’m thankful that he can wear this without screaming. Until about 6 months ago, he was deathly afraid of any sort of koosh toy. Odd, I know. Everybody’s got their thing. I don’t like loose teeth. Ashlyn lost her first tooth the day after Thanksgiving. I was thankful to get rid of that bendy loose thing…ooo…gives me the jeebies just thinking about it! I’ll have to do another post to show you the amazing letter the tooth fairy left her :). That tooth fairy is pretty cool. :)
The Thanksgiving activity (aka cheesy-God activity) actually went quite well. My uncle started it off with a bang by declining reading the Scripture given to him and instead reading a facebook status of a friend of his. Thanks, Uncle Jan. Well, it least it was clean. Everyone else read a Scripture on a piece of paper that they got to pick out from the pile I made. Then, they shared something they were thankful for that related to the verse in some way. After that, they poured some corn kernels out of a pitcher into a glass bowl to symbolize all the blessings God has poured out on us.
My 90-year-old Great Aunt (sorry, Aunt Verne, your age is now publicly published) got a little choked up doing hers which was really something.
We enjoyed looking at the bowl of thousands of corn kernels and using them as a reminder of the many many blessings, too many to even count, that God has given to our families.
Hope this becomes a new tradition each year.
And, yes, I did go out, just my Dad and me, to Target the next morning. If you can’t tell from the clock behind him (and the bags under his eyes…note that there is not a picture of me), we left a little after 5am. Unfortunately, he missed the doorbuster he was looking for which was a replacement GPS to the one he bought last Black Friday at Target which was stolen out of their car to replace the other GPS that was stolen out of their car. Yup, they have had two GPSs stolen from their car. I got a couple things but nothing huge. We only do 3 gifts for our kids for Christmas and then their stockings–so I don’t have oodles to buy, thankfully. (Somehow, it still feels like oodles though.)

I love reading about family Thanksgiving celebrations! Uncle Jan, I guess there’s one in every family ; )
Loved getting the play by play of your Thanksgiving! Such sweet pictures of the girls… and I’m with you.. YAY for pigtails :)
Sweet sweet, Cheesy God thing! Love it! And I sure wish I had a taste of that glued-together pumpkin roll…yummers!