Sometimes pictures just are enough. I will let these just tell the story for me. I’ll premise it though by saying that Drew’s class today made a traditional Friendship stew for their Thanksgiving feast. We contributed the chicken broth. But, there were lots of goodies in it including carrots and peas…yum (for everyone over the age of…say…12). The mom who organized it (God bless her) offered the kids a sticker if they tried it.
Watch the story and imagine your own captions.
Apparently, he wasn’t quite feeling it for the thing he is most thankful for (as evidenced in the pictures below)
ha,ha! Love it! Love the pouty face resting on his hands. Soo funny! I remember a lot of those faces during vegetable soup at Stepping Stones!
Sometimes pictures DO tell the story better than words! Hilarious! Poor guy…group soup not the most appetizing.
Love that turkey on the wall!