And, this is what I opened up my Bible Study book to today.
Really. Not even kidding.
The whole chapter is about learning how to be silent before God. The exercise is to spend 10 minutes a day in silence, doing nothing, thinking about nothing, just listening. They suggest then carrying that over into your daily life so that so “say only what is needed in conversation” and “continually monitor how you feel about ‘wasting’ time for God and refraining from talking.” It talks about the significance of silence and how we are in a culture that values noise over silence.
I liked this particular paragraph from Thomas Merton from The Climate of Monastic Prayer
“The true contemplative is not one who prepares his mind for a particular message that he wants or expects to hear, but is one who remains empty because he knows that he can never expect to anticipate the words that will transform his darkness into light. He does not even anticipate a special kind of transformation. He does not demand light instead of darkness. He waits on the Word of God in silence, and, when he is ‘answered,’ it is not so much by a word that bursts into his silence. It is by his silence itself, suddenly, inexplicably revealing itself to him as a word of great power, full of the voice of God.”
May I stay still in my silence to hear that voice. It’s so hard for me to do that–stillness. I’ve got the silence part–though not by choice. But, the stillness part….very very hard for me. There just always seems to be the tyranny of the urgent, something always needing my attention, my thoughts, my effort. Clearly though, the Lord is desiring to speak to me. My voice is quiet. Now, I must quiet my heart, quiet my spirit so that I can hear Him.
Well, the Lord OBVIOUSLY has your attention now!! Two devotionals in one week…the week of your “forced” silence. Yeah, I’d say so. Can’t wait to hear even a few tidbits of what He shares with you. Whenever HE is speaking so loudly, I know there’s something He needs me to hear. :) HUGS!
Wow! How amazing! God shows us in His word the perfect thing for exactly what we need…exactly where we are!
I love when the Lord speaks so directly to us that there is no way to deny that it is Him. Praying for you as you seek Him in your silence!
So cool.
:) well there you go. Love you!
Wow- God is speaking…
Crazy how life offers us signs that things are as they should be — and to help us understand that. What a great lesson – I am glad you are continuing to heal, and that Lydia’s visit last week went well w/ cardio! BTW, we have been church seeking for a few years since our prior pastor, an incredible “salesman of god” retired. I still miss him! but we gravitate back to ours in hopes that the energy once there is found again… your church is one we found to check out but never quite made it.. Our church’s new pastor also starts November 1… i will pray that yours and ours find solace & energy at the same time in the new leaders… meanwhile, totally hear you on still… it’s near impossible to figure out how to do. but incredible when you do. have you ever checked out bikram yoga? while work, it’s about being still in your mind and meditation… you might like it! keep on healing and let us all know if you find the secret to still!
Oh… this is so so hard! And so important. I’ve always thought that as Christians we do a great job teaching our kiddos how to pray and what to pray for, but a poor job of teaching them how to listen to God.
thank you for the reminders!!!
Nancy-of the crazy 8
WOW, Kelly……God is really using this time of silence to speak to you, huh? I love that!
And, you know, I think stillness is not something that comes easily to a mom. I think I certainly need a lot more of it in my life for sure!!
What Bible Study book is that?
It’s neat how God meets you where you are and then teaches you (and THROUGH you!) in the silence.
stillness, huh? So true, I know how important it is that we need to slow down and take the time to be silent and still and wait upon the Lord. Like Jenna said, it’s something pretty hard for us mommas to do. I think it’s in those moments that He can get through to us the most though. What a neat devotion… what Devotional is it you are reading? I need a new one!
Still keeping you and your baby in girl in my prayers. But also loved your ‘thurs thins to praise for’ post!!
Keep posting …you are a blessing to many! <><
Thanks for sharing how God is talking to you and what He is showing you. It makes me stop and think about how He’s talking to me.