(I promise I won’t name each blog post a day of the week going forward)
Lydia’s ear tube surgery went well. She was pleasant despite me waking her up at the crack of dawn and not feeding her anything. The nurses and anesthesiologist were not happy because she has a runny nose and a little cough and threatened to cancel today’s procedure. But, ultimately, they decided it was okay to start and that they’d just have to stop if she started showing any respiratory distress. But, it also meant they would not give her the sedative they promised me they’d give her so that she’d be fine when they took her from me. I was not happy about that. But, God’s hand was on her because when the nurse reached out for her, she just went with her–stared at her intently and didn’t cry at all. I had to take some serious deep breaths but held back the tears. 15 minutes later, they told me she was in recovery, and I went back a few minutes later. Not even the deep breaths could keep a few tears away then, seeing her so teeny in a big bed still asleep with an oxygen mask on. But, she woke up soon just fine–a little bit confused but not crying. What a blessing. We were home quickly and she was in bed for most of the day which actually wasn’t so bad.
It’s my birthday.
And, having her sleeping all day meant I had to stay home and have Mark do all the pick ups today of the other kids. Plus, it was pouring down rain all day. So, this birthday girl got to snuggle in under the covers and read and take a nap herself! Now, that’s the way to spend a birthday. Mark even did homework with Evan and packed the lunches for tomorrow. Does it get any better? Oh, yes, it does. Out to dinner with the fam to Molly Maguires where kids eat free on Mondays (Mark thanked me for having my birthday fall on a Monday this year). Then, home for a very pretty cake Mark bought today on his way back from one of the kid pick ups.
Lydia is mesmerized by the candles in this picture. Or, maybe she is just fantasizing about digging into the chocolate. She did give us her famous “mah mah mah mah?” (translation: “more more more more”) while we fed her some.
Okay, so, Mark cheated a bit copying my basket idea that I gave him. It’s even the same actual basket. But, you know what, I don’t care! It was filled with lots of my favorite goodies–they don’t go together really at all. But, they are some of my faves, and it was sweet of him to find them for me.
Mmmm….Wegman’s milk chocolate sauce (THE best), honey crisp apples (why aren’t they available year round???), gum, Nestle crunch (not really my favorite anymore, but I won’t hold it against him), cute little iron peg crafts by Ashlyn (she works so hard on these, making the perfect “patdrins” as she says it), a flavored water, the book Crazy Love: Overwhelmed by a Relentless God
(I’ve heard a lot about this one and am excited to add it to my pile of books I want to read read it), a magazine to flip through while I recover next week, my favorite herbal tea, a Chinese silk covered journal, some other little doo dahs, and a gift card to a local coffee shop for some alone time.
Alone time. Nice.
Perhaps the best gift in the basket was this one, personally chosen by Drew.
A little mini cat waving his arm. Those of you who have been to China know that these are pretty much everywhere. But, they are larger and actually waving at you. They are pretty odd…or maybe creepy. I am sure they symbolize good luck or something like that.
And, here is Drew sulking when I told him that it was my birthday gift and that meant he could not keep the cat in his room on his nightstand. Apparently, he picked it out because he really liked it. Perhaps he was hoping I would not and then give it back.
His prayer tonight before bed went something like this:
“Thank you, God, for dying on the cross [that’s how they always start]. And, thank you for the little cat that waves his arm and comes alive at night. Amen.”
Perhaps I should rethink keeping it on my nightstand where it now sits.
Drew’s prayer just made me laugh out loud. :)
Sweet, thoughtful birthday.
Happy Birthday, Kelly!! It sounds like you had a great day! And I am so glad that Lydia’s surgery went so well! Praise God!
Oh! I would not be able to sleep next to a cat that comes alive and waves at me! I am glad Lydia did so well and you had a great birthday!
So thrilled Lydia came through with flying colors! I love how the Lord blessed you both in the leaving part and the recovery.
What a wonderful birthday too! I’m so glad it’s been a sweet one for you…and that cake?!!? I’m pretty sure she’s fantasizing about the chocolate. :0)
So glad everything went well for Lydia. Jake is scheduled for tomorrow and has a cold. Not sure what to do at this point.
The cat: Maybe Drew knows something we don’t know about those things! Funny!
Happy birthday !!! Great news that Lydia’s tubes went good. What a sweet and thoughtful husband too !
Happy, Happy Birthdya to you!!!
Glad you had a relaxing day! I didn’t know that Molly’s had a kids eat free night!?!?! And I threw away a box of that throat coat tea last year because I thought it was foul! It seriously coats your throat! I wish I had known it was your favorite!
Looks like a great celebration!
Sounds like a great day all around. :)
And the cat- it’s called the Money Cat. It waves and makes you spend more than you want. Ha ha!
It looks like you had a wonderful birthday! I hope the cat did not come alive while you were sleeping last night!!! Happy Birthday!
YEp i laughed too when i read the prayer!!! I would be moving that cat to somewhere else ;0)…hugs to Lydia as you and her adjusts!….
That prayer made me laugh out loud too….so much so that everyone looked over here to see what was so darn funny. (Sorry, I said, inside joke.) Can’t wait to hear the adventures you had last night with the golden cat that comes alive. :)
And, alone time?? WOW, Mark knocked it out of the park on that one, huh? What mom doesn’t want alone time? That’s what I want for my birthday too! (Except I’ll be in China adding one child thereby making alone time slightly harder to come by…..oh well, maybe next year! :) ) Plus the nap and reading in bed…..oh, that’s my way to spend a day! So glad it was a great one for you!!!
You’ll LOVE Crazy Love…..I recommend that book to everyone. It was so simple, and also so challenging. Enjoy!!!
Happy Birthday!! Glad to hear that Lydia so doing so well!
Sorry I haven’t commented in awhile. Sounds like everything is great!! :)