The weekend went by fast–my sister and her family were here overnight Friday. My parents were up too. We did the big consignment sale that we always do Friday night and Saturday (sold old stuff and bought some used stuff–hoping I made more than I spent). We celebrated Erin’s 30th birthday on Saturday (she’s all grown up now with 3 kiddos to prove it). I was up past 1:30am last night cleaning and organizing (have you caught on that I enjoy order?). The day today went by fast too–at church early to serve on the worship team, home for lunch and a little bit of time to get some things done, off to Chinese class with Ashlyn, came home and proceeded to spend 3 hours making Ashlyn’s Halloween costume. I don’t know why I chose to do that project tonight. Distraction maybe. Maybe for a sense of accomplishment. Maybe to relieve the stress I was feeling over the stinkin’ costume that Ashlyn was so excited about (“How in the world am I going to make a peacock costume without any pattern at all????). Well, whatever motivated me, it worked. I was distracted (much to my husband’s chagrin), and I ended the project quite proud of myself that I made a rather pretty (and sparkly) dress that will make this peacock princess look pretty darn awesome (you’ll have to wait to see it…sorry).
I will be headed to bed early tonight and getting up early to leave the house by 6:15 with our little girlie for her to get her tubes put in. Someone at church today told me that when her son got tubes put in, just when she was reaching for kleenex for the first time in the waiting room, they came and got her to tell her it was done. I know that that will be the case for me too. I’m sure I’ll cry, but it will be over fast. And, then I’ll get to be with her as she wakes up.
Thinking of your family and praying for you Kelly!
Hi Kelly,
I will be thinking of you and Lydia tomorrow! It is always hard to watch them take your baby away to surgery. Parker’s tubes go in next Friday! We have the cardiologist appointment tomorrow, the pediatric dentist on Tuesday (he is going to need some teeth pulled because of cavities), and we see the genetics doctor on Wednesday. Plus, Sophia’s four year check up in Thursday and shots for Parker. Friday is Graham’s three year check up! I will be happy when the weekend arrives!!!!!!!!
Oh, honey…sleep well tonight. Your momma-heart will ache for your girlie tomorrow for sure, but I trust that God will give you His peace and deliver your sweet one to your arms before you even know it.
I’m thinking Lydia may have just gone in at the time I read your post and praying for her and the medical team!
Praying for you guys tomorrow! Can’t wait to see Ashlyn’s costume, and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
Praying for you Kelly!
Praying for both you and Lydia today!!
We are praying for you, and hope the surgery is quick and uneventful.
praying, love!